
Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Creative Space

I am not feeling I have much to show for my crafting time this week. It started well. On Sunday morning I managed to complete two accessories for littlest's dollhouse: a mattress and pillow for the bed and a potted plant for one of the rooms.

But since then its been all downhill. I tried to steal some time while I was waiting for littlest at swimming and middle at ballet on Monday, but you can only get so much done in 30 minutes:)

I had high hopes for our extra day off (ANZAC day). I thought it would give me time to complete the flooring and wallpaper in the dollhouse bathroom and bedroom. Unfortunately, I made some miscalculations in cutting, so I won't be able to finish until I get some more scrapbooking paper:(

I hope you have more to show for your crafting time this week than me:) To be inspired or to see what others have been up to you can visit Our Creative Spaces. Cyndy Pin It

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Creative Space - The Dollhouse Continued

The children went back to kinder and school this week, so I finally got a chance to do some real work on the dollhouse I put together last week. I wish I could report the dollhouse is done, but while small in size, it is not small in project!

I managed to paint the outside and inside of the house on Monday - it seemed to take forever! I used a paint brush and a small size roller (I didn't want to see lots of brush strokes). The outside was relatively easy, but the inside...all those nooks and crannies and windows.

Initially I planned to use acrylic craft paint, but I ended up using real house/wall paint. I picked a cream colour for the outside and a white colour for the inside from the returned paint trolley at the home improvement store. I figured real house paint would provide the best coverage, and I was right - only one coat was required!

Tuesday I put in the kitchen "wallpaper" and "flooring" and yesterday (Wednesday) the lounge room "wallpaper" and "flooring." I say wallpaper and flooring in quotes because it's scrap booking paper. Since conceiving this project before Christmas I have been on the look out for scrap booking paper that I thought might work for these purposes.  I love the red vibe in the kitchen and the modern look in the lounge room.

And let me warn you, if you think wallpapering a real wall is difficult, imagine trying to wallpaper a dollhouse wall. Yes, more difficult. Again, all those nooks and crannies and windows!

And so by the end of yesterday, littlest's birthday, I had painted an outside and inside base coat and put in the wallpaper and flooring in two rooms. Yes, definitely a "we will need to finish it after I give it to you" gift:) I put the dollhouse and a few items I have collected so far on the kitchen table for when she came home. And bless her heart, despite its state of incompleteness she LOVED it:) She even told me I was the best mom ever:)

So stay tuned for more installments as there are additional rooms to complete:) I have also been working on making a few items for use in the house. To be inspired or to see what others have been up to this week be sure to visit Our Creative Space. Cyndy
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Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Creative Space - The Dollhouse

OK, I have decided to do it. What you ask? Decorate a dollhouse. You heard right, a DOLLHOUSE. Littlest wanted one for Christmas and I fully intended to do it then, but time (or lack thereof) caught up with me and I had to jettison the idea.

And so it went on my to do list for her birthday. Which is this MONTH.

So when did I start? Um mm, last week. Yes, I know call me crazy. I am thinking this will be one of those "we will keep working on it once I've given it to you" gifts. So far I have glued it together. Ah yeah, that is it. The challenge, of course, has been getting time to work on it when littlest isn't around, which as it's school holidays hasn't really happened.

So since I haven't been able to work on it physically, I've been planning. Figuring out paint colours for the outside and inside, "wall paper", how to do the floors, searching the internet for furniture/accessory tutorials and picking out a few furniture items to buy.

(potential kitchen and lounge flooring and wallpapers)

(potential master bedroom and children's bedroom wallpaper and flooring )

And hopefully next Monday morning (when she is back at kinder) I will be able to start getting some real work done:)

I hope you have been getting a little bit more done than me in your creative space this week. To see what others have been up to or more inspiration visit Our Creative Spaces. Cyndy Pin It

Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Creative Space

This week the children are on school holiday. I can't believe how fast the term went! I think littlest going to kinder was the accelerator - there was so much more to do and more of a schedule for me.

In contrast to the craziness of term one, so far the school holiday has been about doing nothing. Yes, that is right, NOTHING. Nothing scheduled, no where we have to be and I am loving it!

I am, however, using this time to plan birthdays. Littlest and middle are both April babies. Middle wants a craft party (hmm, wonder where she gets that from:) and littlest wants a princess party. I have middle's birthday gifts all sorted, but do have some work to do for littlest. My plan had been a doll's house, but with only two weeks to go not sure that is going to happen. I do have some new clothes for Miss Polly in process and I think there might be a winter skirt or two that gets done.

And then there is Easter. Usually I am quite prepared, but this year it has snuck up on me. Sadly, I haven't been able to find any white eggs so no egg dying:( We also make Easter cookies, but we probably won't do until Easter Monday. I haven't even put up the Easter decorations! Yes, I really am slacking! Today, today I promise:)

In anticipation of putting up the Easter decorations today I made an Easter bunting from vintage children's books last night.

Over the last couple of weeks I picked up a few Little Golden Books featuring bunnies with the idea of making an Easter bunting from them (I don't think I paid more than fifty cents for a book).

It was pretty simply; I pulled out the pages with nice pictures, traced the bunting shape on them and cut them out.

I then folded the top of each flag over paper twine and glued them down to string them together.

It's bunnies, not Easter per se, but I think it will add a little Easter flair to the house:)

I hope you are getting lots done in your creative space this week or you can visit Our Creative Spaces to get inspiration from others:) Happy Easter, Cyndy Pin It

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Little Moment - Weet-Bix Tryathalon

I love that my children are willing to try things and push themselves. In March, oldest and middle participated in the Weet-Bix tryathalon held locally. This was oldest's second year participating and middle's first (she wasn't old enough last year). The tryathalon includes three segments: swim, bike and run.

I was a bit worried last year about how oldest would do. He takes swimming lessons, but would he be able to swim the entire way, and what about the run segment, running isn't his strong point. I thought my fears had been realized when I didn't see him finish the bike segment, but it turns out he got a tire puncture half way through and had to walk the rest of the way. Despite this he finished and felt good about his participation, there were never any doubts in his mind.

Ironically this year also had an unexpected challenge. At the last minute they cancelled the swim segment due to algae in the water, and replaced it with a second run segment. Again, I am proud to say my children finished and yes, both are already looking forward to next year:)

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